
July 4, 2024 – News and Events – Miltonvale Park & Milton Community Hall

2024 ParticipACTION Community Challenge has come to an end! Thank you to everyone who participated and reported their activities to us. We also want to express our appreciation to those who helped us organize and host activities throughout June, especially Leone Curtis, Margot Postma and Ernie Coles.

Even though the official challenge period has ended, that doesn't mean you should stop being active! We still have some weekly activities for you to stay healthy throughout the summer:

Active Aging Fitness with KK on Mondays - 9 - 10 a.m. at the Milton Community Hall, $6 (Drop-in) (UPDATE - no Friday classes for the summer).

Yoga on the Mat with Leone Curtis - Tuesdays and Fridays 8 - 9 a.m. at the hall; $6 for Miltonvale Park residents, $7 for others (Drop-in)

Yoga on the Chair with Leone Curtis at the hall, Tuesdays and Fridays - 9:15 -10:15 a.m. at the hall, $6 for Miltonvale Park residents, $7 for others (Drop-in)

Zumba with Natalia – The schedule of Zumba fitness class in summer is every other Wednesday in July and August. Zumba takes place on July 10, 24, and August 7, 21 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. at the hall; $2 for residents, $5 for non-residents. Contact to sign up.

Pickleball at the Park - Individual activity - any time, at the park - or join the group who plays there regularly on their scheduled times

Sunday 9-12 – Advanced and 1-4 -Open

Monday 6-8 Open

Tuesday 9-12 -Open and 6-8 Beginner

Wednesday 6-8 Open

Thursday 9-12 Open and 5-9 Advanced

Friday 6-8 open

Saturday – 9-12 open and 5-9 Advanced

There is a $3 Drop-In fee to play with the group or $30 for the season, or play for free at other times. Contact Ernie at for more information.

Community Garden Update –There is still lots of space for local gardeners, if you are last minute – it is not too late! Council has bought weed barrier for all the plots if desired.   If you would like to plant a plot, for yourself, or plant flowers or vegetables that can be shared with others, or have items that won’t fit in your garden, please reach out to the Council Office –


Canada Day – Our Canada Day celebration at the park on Monday was a wonderful success! We're happy that so many of you were able to join us and enjoy the delicious food, lively music, and beautiful sunshine throughout the afternoon. A big thank you to all the hard-working staff and volunteers, and John MacAllar and Bryson Guptill for music, Peggy for rock painting, and the face painters (Brandi and her mom). Congratulations to Phil Hooper for receiving the Volunteer of the Year Award, and Pat Cosh for the Good Neighbour of the Year Award. Congratulations to the door prize winners - Gail Ling, Melissa Perry, and Tom Perry who each won a lawn chair. There was a 4th winner – BUT the ticket with the name went missing. If you remember hearing the other name that was drawn – can you please reach out to the Council Office (902-368-3090 or so we can get the chair to its new owner!  Thank you again to everyone who participated and helped make this Canada Day celebration such a lovely day!


Coffee Club – Mondays and Fridays at 10 a.m. Drop in to the Milton Community Hall for coffee, tea, snacks and conversation. Admission by donation of coin or treats! Everyone welcome!

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meet at the Hall on Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m. For more information contact Joyce at 902-368-2055.

Thursdays -The Thursday evening summer card parties return! Come play Auction. Games start at 7:30. Admission is $4.

There is no municipal Planning Board meeting for July (ordinarily the 1st Thursday).

SUNDAY Movies – July 7 – the July movie for the Miltonvale Park in the Movies Seniors project is Midnight in Paris, about Gil, a screenwriter, and his trip to Paris. The movie will be shown on Sunday, July 7 at 6:30 p.m. All welcome! Free for Miltonvale Park residents and by donation for others. Miltonvale Park in the Movies

Learn to Play Pickleball for Youth – Join us for FREE pickleball lessons, led by Doris Dunphy, starting on Monday, July 8. These lessons are open to youth ages 7 and up, and will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 - 10:30 a.m. at the Miltonvale Community Park. The courts are being re-surfaced soon -but we aren’t sure of the exact dates… but they may impact a class or two.

Chocolate Bar Bingo – Join us for an afternoon of bingo at the Milton Community Hall on Monday, July 8 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Bring a chocolate bar to exchange for 2 bingo cards and enjoy complimentary snacks and beverages as you test your luck over several exciting rounds. This event is open to all ages, so come along and experience the friendly competition of bingo! RSVP to

There will be an Emergency First Aid Group Training session at the Hall on tentatively on Wednesday, July 10 beginning at 9:30 a.m. Cost for Miltonvale Park residents is $50 (with support from the PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being) and for others it is $86+tax = $98.90. If you haven’t taken a course in the last three years, it is time to update!  If you are interested in participating in the course, email us at

Friday, July 12 from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Miltonvale Community Park – Come play dodgeball! Ages 7 + sign up at or by calling the park 902-368-7587.

Saturday, July 13 – Country Gal meets Persian Dance Partner – Hospice PEI Dancing with the Stars Fundraiser Concert with Kelley Lea and Maureen Bradley from 7- 9 p.m. Tickets are $20 and can be reserved at 902-213-4278.

Tea and TalkMonday, July 15 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. You are invited to listen to the stories of three newcomers as they share their journeys to Canada and their experiences settling into the community. This event is free of charge thanks to sponsorship by the Anti-Racism Table. The Hall is looking for speakers for the event - have you moved here from another place? Want to tell us about your home - or the adjustments you had to make? Email us at

Monday, July 15 is the deadline for the Milton Community Hall’s next 50-50 draw. Congratulations to Rosemary Perley who won $196 on the last draw! Tickets can be bought at the hall or send an e-transfer to Tickets are $3 or 2/$5. License #16921.

Miltonvale Park turns 50 on Wednesday, July 17. You're invited to join our anniversary  party from 6-8 p.m. at the Milton Community Hall. The celebration will feature strawberries, cake, and ice cream. And for a bit of friendly fun, we'll have a dunk tank set up as well. This event is open to all current and former residents of Miltonvale Park. To help us plan accordingly, please RSVP to

Margaret Prouse’s next Food Presentation is Thursday, July 18 at 1 p.m. The topic is French Cooking, as the Movie for July is “Midnight in Paris”. Please RSVP to or 902-368-3090.

Trivia Night – Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Join us for a FREE Trivia Night at the Milton Community Hall on Friday, July 26. The games will kick off at 5:00 p.m., but feel free to arrive early at 4:45 p.m. to get settled in. For any questions or additional information, please reach out to or visit our Facebook page @Milton Community Hall to stay up-to-date on this and other upcoming events.

Family Flea Market – Do you have children’s toys, clothes and sports equipment they have outgrown -or children who need new-to-them items? Join us on Saturday, July 27 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Milton Community Hall. To reserve your table for the event, please contact Peggy at by July 20. The registration fee is $10 for a small table or $15 for a large table.

Miltonvale Park Meets Our Neighbours – Residents and Neighbours are invited to a Community Pot Luck on Friday, August 2 at 5:30 p.m.  – with special invitation to newer residents in the community! Rolls and meat provided, and we hope you will bring side dishes and desserts from your cultural background. Watch for more details!

Colourful Asia – Asian Costumes ExhibitionAugust 9-10. More than 60 costumes from 20 ethnic groups will be on display. Watch for details!

Dance and the Culture BehindYouth and Adult Dance – Come Try Class on Monday, Sept. 9 from 6-7 p.m.

Knitting Basics with StellaThursdays in September 6-7 p.m.



For Miltonvale Park residents, if money or transportation is a barrier to any of the Milton Community Hall MVP (Most Valuable People) events, please let us know and we will do what we can to ensure that everyone can participate. Email

Sign up for regular (approx. weekly) emails from the municipality listing events and reminders by emailing

If you would like to by rhubarb from the hall, please order in advance from $3/lb.

We have lots of activities to be planned over the summer! Hazel and Norm will be working at the Council Office, Jenna and Elesea are working for the hall, and Nathalie, Kessie and Jason are working at the park.

Activities in the Milton Hall MVP project have received funding from the PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being, and are coordinated by Peggy Chen,



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