
Upcoming events - as of Sept 23, 2019

Miltonvale Park and Milton Community Hall Activities - Fall 2019 -As of Sept. 23, 2019

Cards -The final card party for the summer season is Thursday night, September 26 at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $3 & includes lunch. Thanks to all those who attended, volunteered or baked goodies for the players over the season.

Coffee -Get to know your neighbors each Monday and Friday from 10 -11a.m. at the Milton Community Hall. Coffee, tea, and snacks are available by donation of coin or treat! It is a great way to start your morning!

*On Mondays from 1-3 p.m. Sewing and Craft Work Bee Sessions are held at the Milton Community Hall. Sewing machines are available but please bring whatever craft you happen to be working on - or start something new or work on the community quilt project.

There is one more Introductory Line Dancing class with Margot Postma 1:30 Monday, September 30 -$4. Line Dancing classes continue on the following Mondays with 10 classes for $30 or $4 each.

*Ukulele Socials will be held on Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. at the Milton Community Hall. If you have your own ukulele (and basic skill!) you are welcome to drop by, although there is ONE ukulele remaining, if you are a quick learner (This is the third class!). Thanks to resident James Marjerrison for offering to lead the classes.

Seniors Fitness Classes have started again on Mondays and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. The focus of the class is balance and flexibility. Instructor Angelie Carter. Cost -$3

*Computer Technology Classes – Fridays at 10:30 a.m. FCC Community Room at the Milton Community Hall beginning September 20. Admission by donation or free for Miltonvale Park Seniors.  Instructor Brad Fitzpatrick -Brad Fitzpatrick Computer Repair. Class on Oct. 4 will deal with phones and it is tentatively planned that tablets will be addressed the following week. Brad is very responsive to questions -so bring yours along! There are also several laptops at the hall, as well as fiber op that residents are welcome to use at the hall.

**Choral Singing – Tuesday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. beginning October 1. Director -Jill Garson. Everyone welcome!

Chair yoga returns on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. beginning October 2. Cost $4. Angelie Carter. (NOTE: The class the week of Oct 9 will be changed to the Tuesday, Oct 7th.)

Community Yard Sale – Saturday, October 5 from 8 a.m.-12 noon. Contact to book a table or call the hall at 902-566-3154.

Blessing of the Animals Event – Saturday, Oct 5 11:00 -1:00 BBQ at the Miltonvale Community Park (413 Sleepy Hollow Road) Hosted by the St. John’s Anglican Church Sunday School to raise funds for the PEI Humane Society.

The North Milton Women’s Institute invites neighbours to join our local group this year. The next meeting is -Monday, October 21 at 7:00 p.m.

**Basic Drawing Classes will be held on Thursday afternoons at the Milton Community Hall beginning Thursday, October 24 at 1:30 p.m. with Nancy Hooper. Pre-register at 902-566-3154.

The Municipality will host a Children’s Halloween Party at the Milton Community Hall on Saturday, October 26 from 5-7 p.m. for residents. Please note time change! Volunteers most welcome!

Saturday, Nov. 2 -Dance with Phase II and Friends 8p.m-11 p.m. $12

*Dance Classes – Waltz and Foxtrot – will take place on the Tuesday evenings in November, beginning November 5 at 6:30 p.m. Instructors are the owners of the Ballroom Barn. Free for Miltonvale Park seniors. Email to sign up.

*Biscuit Making Workshop – Thursday, November 14 at 7:00 p.m. Join Joyce and Shari in making biscuits. Pre-register at 902-368-3090 or

Registrations are now open for the Christmas Craft Fair at the Milton Community Hall – Sat. Nov. 30 9:00 -2:30 p.m. Registration forms are available at Almost full for vendors!

Sat. November 30 – Janet McGarry Concert. More details to follow.

Sat. December 7 -Christmas Concert – Phase II and Friends.

*Funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.

**Funded in part by the PEI Seniors Secretariat.

Watch for future activities including Christmas Baking Bee, Seniors Christmas Art Party (tentatively Dec 13), Basket weaving, Lunch and Learn sessions, Square Dancing, a Farm visit and the Community Play (late January). Municipal Council meetings are the 3rd Wednesday each month at 7:30. Planning Board meets the 2nd Wed. at 6:30 p.m.

There will not be an Apple Social this fall.

Municipal News: has a new website. There are still some updates and information coming – but please let us know if you have suggestions or find errors.

The new Development Bylaw received Ministerial approval and is effective as of July 29, 2019. The amended Official Plan is also effective as of July 29 as well. Please check the website for the regulations or contact the Development Officer at the Milton Community Hall on Mondays from 8 a.m.-1 p.m.

Council continues to meet at the Milton Community Hall on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. The next two meetings are Oct 16 and November 20 at 7:30 p.m. Planning Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30; however, will not meet if there is no need. The new Development Bylaw allows for quicker processing of permits as it reduced the number of permits which need approval from Planning Board and Council.

The Council was able to assist residents and neighbours who were without power during and after hurricane Dorian. The Milton Community Hall has a generator and was open for a comfort station for several days. Please keep the hall in mind during future power outages, if you need assistance.

Councillors can be reached at the following email addresses

Mayor Hal Parker

Deputy Mayor Tamsyn Cosh MacKenzie

Finance Chair Phil Hooper

Councillor Paul Poole –

Councillor Lindsey Rhynes-

Councillor Andrew Frizzell –

Councillor Spencer MacDonald –


Happy fall!

Hurricane Dorian - September 7, 2019

Residents are encouraged to prepare to be self sufficient for 72 hours (run water, charge electronics, have food that can easily be prepared).
Widespread power outages are likely.

Fred Smith at Fred's Auto at 1049 Rustico Road has a generator at his shop and if people are in need of a warm dry spot to be, he has invited anyone to drop in. He can be reached at 902-626-7973.

It is likely that the Milton Community Hall will be opened on Sunday morning if there are power outages, as it has a generator. People are welcome to use the kitchen and washroom facilities, get water, charge electronics, and generally hang out! The hall phone number is 902-566-3154. Emergency access can be arranged if necessary - contact Shari -902-213-0597 or Hal 902-638-3292.

If the hall is opened, it will be announced on Facebook and this website.

We encourage people to stay at home during the storm unless it is an emergency.

Christmas Craft Fair - November 30 -Now SOLD OUT for Vendors.


You may apply to be on our waiting list.

Registrations are now being accepted for the 2019 Craft Fair which will take place at the Milton Community Hall on Saturday, November 30 from 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

FYI - Last year's fair had almost 400 paid attendees. Admission to the fair will be $2, with those under 12 being admitted for free.

Copy and paste the information from below and email it to or download the form as a word doc.

If you have any further questions, please contact (902) 566-3154 or 

Milton Community Hall Christmas Craft Fair                                                                                 2019 REGISTRATION FORM

Saturday, November 30, 2019 - 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.                                                                                                       Please print     

Contact Name: _____________________________________________________

Business Name: _____________________________________________________

Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________ Email: ____________________________________________

Description of Craft: ____________________________________________________________________

Requirements: Electricity: Yes ____ No _____   Wall for display: Yes ____ No ____(very limited wall space)

Number of Tables/Spaces Requested:

______ @ $15 – 6-foot table OR two sturdy card tables and/or

______ @ $20 – regular 8-foot table (limited number) and/or    _____ @$25 wide 8 ft. table (limited)

______ @ $15 - 6 feet of space (in addition to, or instead of, table) Please note - there is generally no space around the tables, if you are planning to set up a floor display, please let us know and we will locate you in an area with more space, if possible.

Special Needs/Comments/Allergies to scents:______________________________________________

Are your products scented? Yes ____ No ____                                 Number of chairs requested _______

Some tables (usually slightly larger than the 6 ft downstairs tables) will be located on the 2nd storey, please let us know if that would not be appropriate for you (e.g. health issues or size/weight of product…). 2nd floor: Yes ____ No ____

Are you able to contribute to our door prizes? Yes ____ No ____ Item_______________________

Payment: Make cheques payable to Milton Community Hall returned with your form. Email transfers can be sent to

Drop-off or mail registration and payment to Milton Community Hall, 7A New Glasgow Road-Rte 224, North Milton PE C1E 0S7. Fax forms to 902 368-1152 or email them to

The fine print: Submission of this form and payment DOES NOT GUARANTEE a table in the Craft Fair. You will be notified asap. Space is limited, and usually sells out. Preference will be given to handmade craft/food items. Registration for “gift” items opens on October 1 and preference in that category will be given to residents. Food vendors must follow provincial regulations. Your registration reserves a table and its space. Please be aware of the amount of space you have paid for and plan to use only your allotted space. For those not using tables, your rental space will be equivalent to that of a table. There is very limited space between tables. FIRE REGULATIONS require that all fire exits and doorways not be blocked and there must always be a clear passageway between tables. You may wish to bring an extension cord or power bar if you requested power. Please use table covers to enhance your table.

Vendor setup time: Friday, November 29 from 3 -8 p.m. and Saturday from 7:00 a.m. Although we will do everything possible to protect your items, we cannot be held responsible for them if left at the hall overnight.

FEATURES: Complimentary tea, coffee and ice water.

· A canteen service will be available.

· A newly renovated hall, located at the corner of Rte 7 & Rte 224, in a high traffic area.


Thank you for your interest in our fair! For more info, contact 902-566-3154 or

Upcoming events - as of August 21, 2019

Miltonvale Park Events -at the Milton Community Hall unless noted.  
Miltonvale Community Park: Summer Olympics Kids’ Party! Friday, August 23 from 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at 413 Sleepy Hollow Rd. RSVP - 902-368-7587 or Park supervision hours end on Aug. 23.

* Gardening Q & A session -Saturday, August 24 from 10 a.m.- 11 a.m. for an informal session with Vanessa from Jewell's Country Market,-902-566-3154  Free.

Saturday, August 24th: Dance to music by Phase II and Friends, from 8-11 p.m. Admission is $10 at the door! Licensed.

Cards – Play auction every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. until September 26. Cost is $3 & includes a light lunch.

Coffee & TeaMondays & Fridays from 10 -11a.m. By donation of coin or treats!

*Residents and friends are invited to a Farm Visit at Dexter Cattle Company (1125 Rustico Road, North Milton) on Friday, August 23rd. Meet at 10:50 a.m. at Milton Community Hall or at 11:00 a.m. at the farm. Pre-register at or 902-368-3090. Rain date - Monday, Aug. 26.

*On Mondays from 1-3 p.m. Sewing and Craft Work Bee Sessions. Sewing machines are available. Bring whatever you are working on or help with the community quilt project. Light refreshments will be provided.

*Try Rug Hooking? Mondays September 9th and 16th at 7p.m. Everyone is welcome, but as space is limited. Pre-register at or 902-368-3090. Please bring a rug hook, if possible. Free to Miltonvale Park residents - $5 to others. Instructor Della Wood. Please pre-register -902-368-3090.

Introductory Line Dancing Mondays at 1:30, Sept 9,23 &30.  $10 or $4 drop in fee. Instructor Margot Postma.

*Learn to Pickle and Preserve with home economist Margaret Prouse - Tuesdays, September 10 (Pickles) and 17 (Jam) at 9 :30 a.m. Please pre-register Free to residents.

Seniors Fitness Classes will be held on Mondays and Fridays beginning on Monday, September 16 at 9:00 a.m. The focus of the class is balance and flexibility. Instructor Angelie Carter. Cost -$3

Chair yoga returns on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. beginning October 2. Cost $4. Instructor -Angelie Carter.

Line Dancing – Monday afternoons at 1:30 beginning Oct 7 – 10-week session for $30 or $4 drop in. No class election day.

*Ukulele Socials will be held on Wednesdays starting September 11 at 1:00 p.m. Please pre-register at or 902-566-3154. Ukuleles are provided but space is limited. Thanks to resident James Marjerrison for offering to lead the afternoons. Learn to play by playing! $10 for the series.

*Line Drawing Classes with will be held on Thursday afternoons beginning Thursday, October 24 at 1:30 p.m. Please pre-register at 902-566-3154. Free for residents.

Miltonvale Park Children’s Halloween Party on Saturday, October 26 from 1-3 p.m.

*Dance Classes Waltz and Foxtrot at the Milton Community Hall for 4 sessions in the fall, possibly on Tuesday evenings in November. Details to be confirmed.

Watch for more information - *Biscuit Making Workshop (Nov.), a *Baking Bee –(December) *Seniors Christmas Art Party. *Choral Singing. *Financial Abuse Lunch & Learn sessions, *Technology Sessions and *Square Dancing.

Christmas Craft Fair –Sat.  November 30.                                          

Community Play – January 30-Feb. 1, 2020

* Funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program

Q & A Gardening Session with Jewell's - Sat Aug 24

Do you have questions about your garden? Join us Saturday, August 24th from 10a.m.- 11a.m. for an informal Q & A session with Vanessa from Jewell's Country Market.

Location: Milton Community Hall
7 New Glasgow Rd.

Ceilidh - Tues, August 13

The Milton Community Hall will be having a Ceilidh Tuesday, August 13th at 7:30 p.m. Doors will open at 7. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for kids.

Performers: Singers, Musicians and step-dancers, Aysha Young and Abi McCarty, the Island band "Spoken For," and another Island band's whose name is in the works!

The evening's emcee will be our favorite bingo caller, Andrew - who will also be performing! It is sure to be a great night, so grab your dancing shoes (or fiddles) and come join us!

Reminder that our hall is a wheel-chair accessible facility!

For more information call us at 902-566-3154 or

We hope to see you there !

Phase II and Friends August 24

On August 24, you can dance your socks off at the Milton Community Hall from 8-11 PM. Great music will be provided by Phase II and Friends, a seven piece group featuring the voices of Keila Glydon, Jeanie Campbell and Gerry Hickey, backed up by four very fine musicians with Ed Young on drums, John McGarry on bass, Pat King on keys and sax and Blaine Murphy on lead guitar. Phase II began in 1990 and has been going strong without a break ever since. The band boasts a huge repertoire of songs, but still has a main focus of providing a great mix of dance music which includes fifties and sixties rock n' roll, but also much more.  Says Gerry Hickey, front man for the band, we have never wanted to limit ourselves to one style, simply because a lot of great music was written after the sixties. Songs like Footloose, Boot Scootin Boogie, Cadillac Ranch and the music of Abba are great to dance to, but were not performed until the seventies and eighties.

Phase II and Friends are always happy to accommodate the audience , so if you have favourites, don't hesitate to ask.

Doors open at 7:30 with dancing beginning at 8 sharp.

Bar services available.

We hope to see you there!

Prize Bingo w/ Green Everlasting - July 30

The Milton Community Hall will be having another Prize Bingo, this time partnering with Green Everlasting. Green Everlasting is a fresh non-profit dedicated to bringing community gardens and environment/climate change focused education to Islanders. Come support two important causes while taking your shot at winning a variety of prizes from local businesses!

Bingo starts at 7:00 p.m. on July 30th.

Cards: 3UP - $5

           6UP - $10 

Canteen will be available. 

Stay up to date with us on Facebook/Instagram for a sneak peek at prizes!

Good luck!

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