
Upcoming events -Oct 14

Events Calendar

Events held at Milton Community Hall unless noted.

Coffee -Visit neighbors each Monday and Friday from 10 -11a.m. at the Milton Hall. Coffee, tea, and snacks are available by donation of coin or treats.

Yoga with Leone – Tuesdays ($6 for Miltonvale Park residents and $7- 8:30 a.m. Building Blocks of Yoga (on the mat) & at 10 a.m. Yoga using a Chair.

TOPS meets at the Milton Community Hall on Tuesdays at 6:15. For more information contact Joyce at 902-368-2055.

Card Parties - The hall is continuing Thursday card parties (Auction) at 7:30 p.m. until October 20. Admission -$4.

Exercise classes have resumed on Mondays and Fridays at 9 a.m. with Michele Gallant. The focus is on balance and flexibility. The cost is $5. Drop in. 

October 15 is the hall’s next 50-50 twice-monthly draw. You can buy tickets at the hall -or send an e-transfer to $3 each or 2/$5.

The North Milton Women’s Institute branch is meeting on Monday, October 17 at 7 p.m. upstairs at the Milton Community Hall. Local women are invited to come find out what WI is all about and consider joining. $15/year.

Tuesday, October 18 at 1:00 p.m. Join home economist Margaret Prouse as she demonstrates food and shares recipes from New Brunswick. Year of Canada. Please pre-register with 902-368-3090 or

Are your children interested in 4-H? The Wheatley River 4-H Club is reorganizing on Tuesday, October 18 at 7 p.m. at the Milton Community Hall. For more information visit or email

Wednesday, Oct 19, 7:30 p.m. Council meeting. Please RSVP to 902-368-3090 or

Monday, October 24 at 11 a.m. – Meet PEI Seniors Navigator Melanie Melanson at Coffee at 10 a.m. and hear her present on programs offered by the Province to seniors at 11 a.m. RSVP.

There will be an adult Halloween Sock Hop/Line Dance event on Friday, October 28 from 2-4 p.m. Space is limited, please pre-register at or 902-566-3154. Costumes encouraged!

Miltonvale Park Halloween Drive Thru for local children– Milton Community Hall Saturday, Oct 29 from 2-4. Please pre-register by noon on Oct. 27.

Wednesday, November 2 at 2 p.m., join representatives from LobsterPEI who will share information about lobster fishing and the lobster industry on PEI. Please RSVP to or 902-368-3090. 

Thursday, November 3, at 1 p.m. – Join Margaret Prouse as she presents recipes from Yukon.

Saturday, Nov. 5- Advance Poll at Milton Community Hall 9 a.m. -1 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 7 -Election poll at Milton Community Hall. 9 a.m. -7 p.m.

Milton Community Hall Christmas Craft Fair – Friday November 11 – 2:30 p.m.- 8 p.m. and Saturday, November 12 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Thursday, November 17, 12 noon Scrapbooking your Family History Lunch and Learn. RSVP by Tuesday, Nov. 15 and Thursday, Nov. 24 Hands on Scrapbooking activity at 1 p.m.

There are other activities that the municipality and or the Milton Community Hall plan to host – but planning got delayed after Fiona – art party, Jubilee Concert, Drive Alive Refresher course, Newfoundland Kitchen Party, Seniors Navigator, Christmas Wreath workshop, a Halifax Mooseheads vs Islanders Jr. Hockey game, Lunch and Learn on Financial Safety, a car maintenance workshop, 4 computer classes, special seniors dance events, and an lunch and learn on making a book. As well the Milton Community Hall received funding to hold six community meals before the end of March 2023.


For more information on Community Events and happenings- read the October 2022  municipal newsletter. 

Milton Hall Open for Comfort/Warming Center.

The Rural Municipality of Miltonvale Park opened the Milton Community Hall  after Post tropical storm Fiona for  charging devices, water, tea, coffee, wi-fi, food  and flush toilets! The warming cneter remains open after Thanksgiving an as needed basis until mid-October when the Council office is open, for water and wi-fi.

Community News - The Fiona Edition - Sept 23, 2022

Are you prepared for the hurricane? Unfortunately, it sounds like Fiona will be nasty.

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best – gas in car, water in tubs for toilet flushing and in pots for drinking, food to eat that doesn’t require refrigeration, cash, fill your freezer (with water to freeze, or blankets, to help it stay colder longer), take photos of your property before the storm, in case you need to make an insurance claim, plug in your sump pump, have medication refilled, take in or tie down anything that may blow, charge your phones and laptops…. and stay inside during the storm.)

The Milton Community Hall (7 New Glasgow Road, in North Milton) has a generator and after the storm is over will be opened by the municipality as an emergency warming station, if required. People can charge devices, get water, use the washrooms, have some coffee, etc. We will announce the opening on the Facebook pages and Twitter for the Milton Community Hall and Rural Municipality of Miltonvale Park. If the phones are working, you could also call the hall 902-566-3154 or municipal office 902-368-3090 to see if the hall is open. In an emergency, you can contact me at 902-213-0597.

There are two outside taps at the hall that can be used at any time (on each of the long sides of the hall – on the parking lot side it is under the 4th window). There is also an exterior plug at the rear of the hall, if you need electricity and the hall is not open.

The municipality joins with the PEI EMO in recommending you stay at home/indoors during the storm, and even afterwards, to allow Maritime Electric and other clean up crews to work without interference.

In municipal and provincial emergency planning Individuals and families are responsible to be prepared for 72 hours.

Keep safe. This is PEI Neighbour Week – please check in with your vulnerable neighbours.

Other upcoming events:

Monday, Sept 26 (if things are back to normal!) – 11 a.m. Melanie Melanson, PEI’s Seniors Navigator will be at the hall to talk about the programs for seniors from the PEI Government. Please RSVP. Melanie intends to drop in to Coffee first-10 a.m. Part of the Year of Canada project.

Yoga – on the mat (8:30) and from a chair (10:00 a.m.) happens at the Milton Community Hall on Tuesdays with Leone Curtis. Residents can try their first class for free (Please contact if you need to borrow a mat). Residents -$6 and non-residents -$7.

Monday and Friday Exercise Class with Michele Gallant resumes at 9 a.m. Monday, October 3.

Tues. Oct 4 – The Wheatley River 4-H Club will hold their first meeting of the year at the Milton Community Hall at 7 p.m. Contact for more information, or visit to learn more about this youth organization.

Wednesday, Oct 5 at 1 p.m.  Join home economist Margaret Prouse as she presents recipes from New Brunswick. Please RSVP by noon on Oct. 3 to or 902-368-3090. Part of the Year of Canada project.

Thursday, Oct 6 at 2 p.m. – Representatives from Lobster PEI will share information on Lobster Fishing, and the Industry on PEI. Free. Please pre-register to or 902-368-3090. Part of the Year of Canada project.

Wednesday, October 12- Nominations Open to run for Council and Mayor for the Rural Municipality of Miltonvale Park. More information to follow -or check out  Nominations must be received by Oct. 21.

Planning Board Meeting - Wednesday, Oct 12 at 6:30 p.m. RSVP to the Council office.

Scrapbooking your Family History – Join Julie Watson and Sandra Bruce for lunch and a workshop on Thursday, Oct. 13, and a hands-on session on Thursday afternoon October 20 at the Milton Community Hall. Funded in part by the PEI Seniors Secretariat. Pre-register at or 902-566-3154. More details to follow.

North Milton WI Meeting -Monday, October 17 at 7 p.m. New members welcome!

Council Meeting -Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. RSVP to the Council Office.

Saturday, afternoon, Oct. 29, - Municipal Hallowe’en Drive Through Event at the Milton Community Hall. More details to follow.

Municipal Elections – Advance Poll Saturday morning, Nov. 5 and Election Poll, Monday, Nov. 7.

Milton Community Hall Christmas Craft Fair – Fri. Nov. 11 and Saturday, Nov. 12. Applications for vendors are now being accepted at  and decisions on vendors will hopefully be made this weekend.

The municipality will be preparing and distributing a special election issue newsletter in the next few weeks with more information.

The Year of Canada project is funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program
Take care and stay safe!

Christmas Craft Fair - Preliminary Information and Registration

The Milton Community Hall is delighted to announce the dates for our annual Christmas Craft Fair -  Friday, November 11 (2-8 p.m.) AND Saturday, Nov. 12 from 9 a.m. -3 p.m. The price for a 6 ft table will be $30. (There is also a slight chance we may tweak the opening/closing times based on vendor feedback).

We hope to be able to provide another super experience for sellers and shoppers. 

If you are interested and able to attend this year, please complete the online registration form. Confirmation of your acceptance will be returned as soon as possible, hopefully by September 25. We are still working out details, so ask for your patience.  Space is limited, so we hope to hear from you soon.

Information you will find on the registration form:

The fine print: Submission of this form DOES NOT GUARANTEE a table in the Craft Fair. You will be notified asap (hopefully by Sept 25, 2022). Space is limited. Preference will be given to handmade craft/food items and to Miltonvale Park residents.

Food vendors must follow provincial regulations. Any provincial COVID-19 requirements in effect at the time of the fair will be followed.

Your registration reserves a table and two chairs (We will check in closer to the fair to confirm the number of chairs you want). There is not generally display space between or around tables. If you do require additional space, please indicate that on the form. For those not using tables, your rental space will be equivalent to that of a table.

FIRE REGULATIONS require that all fire exits and doorways not be blocked and there must always be a clear passageway between tables. You may wish to bring an extension cord or power bar if you requested power. Please use table covers to enhance your table.

Vendor setup time: Thursday, Nov. 10 from 1 -8 p.m. and Friday Nov. 11 (9-10:30 and 12 noon- 2 p.m.) We may also be able to adjust this if necessary.

Although we will do everything possible to protect your items, we cannot be held responsible for them overnight.

FEATURES: Complimentary tea, coffee and ice water for vendors. A canteen service will be available.

Enjoy the weekend and the lovely September weather!

Direct link for the online registration form

Community Happenings -Sept 8

Wednesday, Sept 7, 2022 – Miltonvale Park Happenings -First Day of School!

Resignation –Best wishes are extended to Lindsey Rhynes, who has resigned from Council as she is no longer eligible to serve, after her student status expired. Lindsey brought a caring, youthful perspective to Council over the past four years and we thank her for her service and commitment to the Rural Municipality of Miltonvale Park. Lindsey remains connected to the community as she is still a board member for the Milton Community Hall. We wish her all the best as she is getting established in her career after graduation from UPEI with her Sociology degree. No by-election will be held, as municipal elections are scheduled  for November 7, 2022.

Miltonvale Community Park – The Community Park at 413 Sleepy Hollow Road is no longer staffed. Residents and friends are encouraged to visit the park from dawn to dusk. Please be respectful of the park property. Pickleball is continuing. Many thanks are extended to park students Eilidh MacDonald and Kate Gillis who provided lots of smiles and summer fun to youth who visited the park – and they gave out lots of dog treats too! The community garden is divided into four sections. The 2nd section from the road (between a wooden post and the community garden sign) belongs to the community. Residents are welcome to pick any cucumbers, tomatoes or beans in that small section. The upper and the two lower sections of the gardens have produce that belongs to residents who planted those plots, so please be careful if you are catching any available produce! The park will be checked sporadically and has video monitoring -but if it needs attention, please contact the Council office ( –monitored 7 days/week or 902-368-3090).

Coffee –Get to know your neighbors each Monday and Friday from 10 -11a.m. at the Milton Community Hall. Coffee, tea, and snacks are available by donation of coin or treats.

TOPS meets at the Milton Community Hall on Tuesdays at 6:15. For more information contact Joyce at 902-368-2055.

Card Parties – The hall is holding summer card parties (Auction) on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. until the end of September. Admission -$4.

Rock Painting – August’s Rock Painting session had to be postponed due to illness. Stay tuned for a new date.

Congratulations to Barbara MacPherson who won $62.50 the August 31st Milton Community Hall 50-50 draw. You can buy tickets at the hall -or send an e-transfer to for the September 15 draw – Tickets are $3 each or 2/$5.

The North Milton Women’s Institute will be holding its reorganizing meeting on Monday, September 12 at 7:00 p.m. at the Milton Community Hall. Any women in the community are invited to consider joining, and can drop by the hall to learn more, or visit The WI meets on the 2nd Monday of the month -and is a great way to contribute to the community, and enjoy an evening out with neighbourhood women.

Platinum Jubilee Teas -The Milton Community Hall received funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage and is holding the third and final Platinum Jubilee Tea on Saturday, September 17 at 2:00 p.m. Admission is free and dress is “summer garden party”.  Call 902-566-3154 or email, to reserve a seat at your preferred tea. The deadline to reserve is Thursday 5 p.m., Sept. 15.

Thursday, Sept. 22 at 1:00 Margaret Prouse will be demonstrating potato recipes from PEI as part of the Year of Canada Seniors Project. Please register by noon on Tuesday, Sept 20 at the Council office. We are also organizing a presentation on lobster fishing -hopefully the last week of September. Watch for details.

Line Dancing classes begin again on Monday and Friday afternoons, beginning on September 12. The Monday classes are full, but there will be a 4-week beginner session on FRIDAYs at 1:30, Sept 16-Oct. 7 with Margot Postma. The cost is $20, and space is limited. Register at or 902-368-3090.

Yoga classes are also beginning next week (Sept 13). Classes will be on Tuesdays, with mat classes at 8:30 a.m. and yoga in the chair at 10 a.m. The cost is $6 for Miltonvale Park residents and $7 for non-residents. The instructor is Leone Curtis.

Exercise classes with Michele Gallant will resume on Mondays and Fridays from 9-10 beginning on Monday, Oct 3.

The Milton Community Hall has Covid rapid tests (through the Red Cross Safe at Home Program) which can be picked up in the lobby at the hall (or we can run them out to your car if necessary!). We also have some KN95 masks and quite a few medical masks for folks who need them.

Municipal Elections – Reminder – that Municipal Elections take place on Monday, November 7… Have you ever thought about running for Municipal Council? Nominations will be open from October 12-21, 2022. There is lots of information available here: or feel free to contact the Municipal Office or talk to a current Councillor to get an idea of the duties and time commitment.

The municipal office will be closed on Wednesday, Sept 21 as the CAO and Development Officer will be attending a training session until mid-afternoon.  Sorry for the inconvenience. There is a Council meeting that evening at 7:30, so the CAO expects to be in the office once the workshop is over. As a reminder – Development Officer Mirko Terrazas is in on Wednesdays at the Milton Community Hall from 10-2 (though he is usually here til 5) and he can be reached at  CAO Shari MacDonald has office hours on Tuesdays from 4:30—6:30 and Wednesday from 9-11 a.m. and 20 additional hours by chance or appointment.

The Wheatley River 4-H Club will be re-organizing soon – if you would like more information, please send me a note ( and I will send you information as it becomes available.

Thanks to summer student Luke Doiron who was my assistant for the past few months – Luke organized lots of events for the Community Better Challenge, and lots of seniors events, including a very successful tour to Eastern PEI last week. Best of luck this year back at UPEI. Resident Brody McDonald was employed through the municipality to work with the Cornwall and Area Watershed Group, and was a great addition to the CAWG team. Colin Doiron and Emma Stevenson were employed this summer at the Milton Community Hall, and they will also be missed around the hall this fall!

Community Happenings - August 18, 2022

Miltonvale Community Park

Kate and Eilidh are at the Community Park at 413 Sleepy Hollow Road from Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm. with sporadic weekend hours. The drop-in school-age program happens Monday- Friday from 10 am -4 p.m. but not over staff lunch time.  The last Day the park is staffed is August 31st 2022.

LAST CHANCE  - Free Photo Shoots For Miltonvale Park Family & Friends by Eilidh MacDonald
Where: Miltonvale Community Park
When: Friday, Aug. 19th
Time: 10am - 4pm **by booking only, if time slots are still available**
Please contact to book your session.

Fashion Week at the Park finishes on Fri. Aug 19th 10 am - 4 pm
Friday - Tropical Day

Last week of Drop-In Summer Activities:
Soak up the Summer Week” - August 22nd - 26th 10 am - 4 pm

Monday - Water Games
Tuesday - Sports
Wednesday - Outdoor Adventures
Thursday - Crafts & Games
Friday - Christmas in August

Update on Photo Shoots:
Anyone who had a photo shoot by Eilidh this past week will receive a link to edited copies of their photos via email by August 26th at 5pm.

Days of Disc Golf
August 29th-31st 9am-5pm
Miltonvale Community Park
(413 Sleepy Hollow Rd.)
-Open to all ages
-Baskets and discs provided

A reminder that the disk golf baskets and disks and toys/games/equipment in the baby barn can be accessed when the park staff are working.  Contact the park staff at 902-368-7587 or

Milton Community Hall

Coffee –Get to know your neighbors each Monday and Friday from 10 -11a.m. at the Milton Community Hall. Coffee, tea, and snacks are available by donation of coin or treats.

TOPS meets at the Milton Community Hall on Tuesdays at 6:15. For more information contact Joyce at 902-368-2055.

Card Parties – The hall is holding summer card parties (Auction) on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. until the end of September. Admission -$4.
Sunday August 21 at 7:30 p.m. - ANNE ~ A Green Gables Memoir
- “What is it to look back on a life?” asks Anne in the opening line of ANNE ~ A Green Gables Memoir ~. Anne Shirley Blythe now in her 60s, delves into her journals and letters to reminisce and reflect on her past - the very difficult moments and those of great joy.
This performance takes place on Sunday, August 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Milton Community Hall, at 7 New Glasgow Road-Rte 224, North Milton. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door. Contact the hall at 902-566-3154 or

Created, compiled and performed by Maja Bannerman with accompanying music by Rusty McCarthy, this 50-minute presentation includes many of the beloved moments from Anne of Green Gables and the subsequent novels in the series by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Maja has long been enthralled with Anne and, in particular situations, finds herself asking, "What would Anne do?"

The evening will open with a set by musician Rusty McCarthy.

Tuesday, Aug. 23 – 5-6:30 p.m. Do you love blueberry desserts? The St. John’s Anglican Church invites you to their Blueberry Social at the MILTON COMMUNITY HALL (7 New Glasgow Road, corner of Route 7 and 224), on Tuesday, August 23rd from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Admission: Adults - $12.00 and Children under 12 - $6.00. Bring your family and/or friends and enjoy a buffet of delicious desserts. The Hall is wheelchair accessible.

Rock Painting - On Tuesday, August 30th at 1 p.m. come to the Milton Community Hall to try rock painting. Lee Ann Pelton will be joining us to show us her technique, and to inspire creativity. All materials provided - but feel free to bring a rock if you have one.  Free for Miltonvale Park residents 55+; $5 for others. Please contact or (902) 368-3090 to register. Funded by the Government of Canada through the New Horizons For Seniors Program.

Wednesday, August 31 is the hall’s next 50-50 twice-monthly draw. You can buy tickets at the hall -or send an e-transfer to $3 each or 2/$5. Congratulations to Connie MacDonald who won $52.50 in the August 15th draw.

Miltonvale Park is doing a seniors bus trip this year! This time we will be heading down east to the Glenaladale house, the Cardigan Historical Center, and the A.A MacDonald Memorial Gardens in Georgetown. Luke is still finalizing details, but the bus is booked for Thursday, September 1, 2022.  The trip will cost $20 for Miltonvale Park residents 55+, and $25 for anyone else. Participants will be responsible for their own lunch (restaurant to be determined). The bus leaves the Milton Community Hall at 8:50 a.m., on September 1st. To register, please contact or (902) 368-3090. Pre-registration is required by Monday, August 29th. Funded in part by the PEI Senior Secretariat.

Platinum Jubilee Teas -The Milton Community Hall received funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage and is holding the third and final Platinum Jubilee Tea on Saturday, September 17 at 2:00 p.m. Admission is free and dress is “summer garden party”.  Call 902-566-3154 or email, to reserve a seat at your preferred tea. The deadline to reserve is Thursday 5 p.m., Sept. 15.

Thursday, Sept. 22 at 1:00 Margaret Prouse will be demonstrating recipes from PEI as part of the Year of Canada Seniors Project. Do you think potatoes will be on the menu?

We are also organizing a presentation on lobster fishing the last week of September. Watch for details.

Exercise classes with Michele Gallant will resume on Mondays and Fridays from 9-10 beginning on Monday, Oct 3.

Line Dancing classes begin again on Monday and Friday afternoons on September 12, although I am not sure if there is space in those classes.

The Milton Community Hall has Covid rapid tests (through the Red Cross Safe at Home Program) which can be picked up in the lobby at the hall (or we can run them out to your car if necessary!). We also have some KN95 masks and quite a few medical masks for folks who need them.

Municipal Elections - Reminder – that Municipal Elections take place on Monday, November 7… Have you ever thought about running for Municipal Council? Nominations will be open from October 12-21, 2022. There is lots of information available here: or feel free to contact the Municipal Office or talk to a current Councillor to get an idea of the duties and time commitment.

Miltonvale Park Happenings -August 8, 2022

Monday, August 8, 2022 – Miltonvale Park Happenings

Miltonvale Community Park – Kate and Eilidh are at the Community Park at 413 Sleepy Hollow Road from Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm. with sporadic weekend hours. The drop-in school-age program happens Monday- Friday from 10 am -4 p.m. but not over staff lunch time.

Get Moving Week is this week -Aug 8-12 at Miltonvale Community Park! From 10am-4pm the following activities will be available at the park for school-aged children:
Monday - Soccer
Tuesday - Playground Games
Wednesday - Basketball
Thursday - Disc Golf
Friday - Dancing Day
**Children ages 6 and under must have an adult accompany them**
**Please come fill out your child's information sheet before allowing them to go to the park on their own**

The staff can provide indoor activities if it is raining.

NEW  - Free Photo Shoots For Miltonvale Park Family & Friends
By Eilidh MacDonald
Where: Miltonvale Community Park
When: Monday, August 15th – Friday, Aug. 19th
Time: 10am - 4pm **by booking only**
Please Contact to book your session!

Fashion week - August 15th - 19th 10 am - 4 pm
Monday - Character dress up day
Tuesday - Inside out day
Wednesday - PJ day
Thursday - Fancy day
Friday - Tropical Day

A reminder that the disk golf baskets and disks and toys/games/equipment in the baby barn can be accessed when the park staff are working.  Contact the park staff at 902-368-7587 or

Coffee –Get to know your neighbors each Monday and Friday from 10 -11a.m. at the Milton Community Hall. Coffee, tea, and snacks are available by donation of coin or treats.

Planning Board Meeting – The August Planning Board meeting will be cancelled (ordinarily be the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30) as there are no files ready for a Planning Board recommendation at the moment. 

TOPS meets at the Milton Community Hall on Tuesdays at 6:15. For more information contact Joyce at 902-368-2055.

August 15 is the hall’s next 50-50 twice-monthly draw. You can buy tickets at the hall -or send an e-transfer to $3 each or 2/$5.

Card Parties – The hall is holding summer card parties (Auction) on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. until the end of September. Admission -$4.
DEADLINE to register is today! Wednesday, August 10 at 1:00 p.m. Join home economist Margaret Prouse as she demonstrates food and shares recipes from Newfoundland and Labrador. Year of Canada. Please pre-register by Monday, August 8, 2022 with 902-368-3090 or

On Friday, August 12th, Miltonvale Park has booked a private charter at 1:00 p.m. aboard Joey's Deep Sea Fishing. Currently the trip is full – but if you would like to be on the waiting list, email or call (902) 368-3090 Miltonvale Park residents who are 55+ can attend for just $10.  This Year of Canada Project, funded through the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Project.

Selling, Buying or Downsizing – Coldwell Banker Parker Realty agent Jerry Coady will share information about real estate and answer questions on Tuesday, August 16 at 2:00 p.m. at the Milton Community Hall. Free for Miltonvale Park Seniors and by donation for others.  Pre-register at or 902-368-3090. Funded by the Government of Canada through the New Horizons for Seniors Program.

Wednesday, Aug 17 at 7:30 – August Council Meeting – will be held ONLY if necessary. Watch for confirmation, or contact the Municipal Office.

Sunday August 21 at 7:30 p.m. - ANNE ~ A Green Gables Memoir - Writer and performer Maja Bannerman and musician Rusty McCarthy bring their storytelling/conversational style performance as Anne Shirley Blythe, in her 60s, looking back on her life to the Milton Community Hall. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door. Contact the hall at 902-566-3154 or

Platinum Jubilee Teas -The Milton Community Hall received funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage and is holding a third Platinum Jubilee Tea on Saturday, September 17 at 2:00 p.m. Admission is free and dress is “summer garden party”.  Call 902-566-3154 or email, to reserve a seat at your preferred tea. The deadline to reserve is Thursday 5 p.m., Sept. 15.

Thursday, Sept. 22 at 1:00 Margaret Prouse will be demonstrating recipes from PEI as part of the Tear of Canada Seniors Project. Do you think potatoes will be on the menu?

The Milton Community Hall has Covid rapid tests (through the Red Cross Safe at Home Program) which can be picked up in the lobby at the hall (or we can run them out to your car if necessary!). We also have some KN95 masks and quite a few medical masks for folks who need them.
Reminder – that Municipal Elections take place on Monday, November 7… Have you ever thought about running for Municipal Council? There is lots of information available here: or feel free to contact the Municipal Office or talk to a current Councillor to get an idea of the duties and time commitment.

Community Happenings -August 1, 2022

Monday, August 1, 2022 – Miltonvale Park Happenings

Miltonvale Community Park – Kate and Eilidh are planning to staff the Community Park at 413 Sleepy Hollow Road from Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. with the possibility of some weekend hours. This week the drop-in school age program (10 am -4 p.m.  but not over the lunch time) focuses on Outdoor Adventures. Today is an obstacle course. Tuesday – Treasure Hunt.
Wednesday – Relay Races.
Thursday -Introduction to Geo-caching.
Friday- Scavenger Hunt

Next week is Get Moving Week at the park. Congratulations to Summerside who was the Provincial winner of ParticipACTION’s Community Better Challenge. Thanks to all who added to Miltonvale’s Park’s total active minutes, and brought us in the top 50 communities of Canada.

A reminder that the disk golf baskets and disks and toys/games/equipment in the baby barn can be accessed when the park staff are working. And please note – the new baby barn has doors that have been known to blow closed, trapping people inside. Until we get the latch changed – please be sure to hook the door open.  Contact the park staff at 902-368-7587 or

Coffee –Get to know your neighbors each Monday and Friday from 10 -11a.m. at the Milton Community Hall. Coffee, tea, and snacks are available by donation of coin or treats.

TOPS meets at the Milton Community Hall on Tuesdays at 6:15. For more information contact Joyce at 902-368-2055.

August 15 is the hall’s next 50-50 twice-monthly draw. You can buy tickets at the hall -or send an e-transfer to $3 each or 2/$5. Congratulations to George Piercey who won $95 in the July 31 draw.

Card Parties – The hall is holding summer card parties (Auction) on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. until the end of September. Admission -$4.

TONIGHT -Miltonvale Park is hosting a book club for the Year of Canada seniors project. Tonight, Monday, August 1 at 7:00 p.m. author Jane Ledwell, will join us for a discussion of Return of the Wild Goose, a short book of poetry that explores the life of writer and activist Katherine Hughes. Set against the intimate relief of a PEI landscape, these poems are inspired by what is known--and unknown--about her contradictory life as a Catholic teacher in Mohawk territory; a journalist working alongside Canada's first-wave feminists and suffragettes; the first public archivist of Alberta; and finally, as a zealous Irish nationalist. This (auto) biographical dialogue between Jane Ledwell and Katherine Hughes offers the reader a fierce remembrance of a PEI radical. Email ASAP to let us know if you're interested in borrowing a book or attending the event in person or on Zoom.

On Wednesday, August 3rd at 7 p.m. come try rock climbing at the Red Rock Climbing wall in Stratford. Free for Miltonvale Park residents 55+. This is a great way to have some youthful fun! Register by Tuesday, Aug 2 at 5 p.m. with (902) 368 3090 or Space is limited and priority will be for Miltonvale Park seniors. If space is available, the cost would be $5 for other folks 55+.

Platinum Jubilee Teas -The Milton Community Hall received funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage and is holding two more Platinum Jubilee Teas on Sunday, August 7 at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, September 17 at 2:00 p.m. Admission is free and dress is “summer garden party”.  Call 902-566-3154 or email, to reserve a seat at your preferred tea. The deadline to reserve for Sunday’s tea is Thursday 5 p.m., Aug. 4.

VERY LIMITED SPACES -REGISTER ASAP  In August, our Year of Canada seniors project celebrates Newfoundland -and activities related to that province. On Friday, August 12th, Miltonvale Park has booked a private charter at 1:00 p.m. aboard Joey's Deep Sea Fishing. Miltonvale Park residents who are 55+ can attend for just $10.  Email or call (902) 368-3090 to register. Space is VERY limited. Priority will be given to Miltonvale Park seniors, as this is a part of the Year of Canada Project, funded through the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Project.

Wednesday August 10 at 1:00 p.m. Join home economist Margaret Prouse as she demonstrates food and shares recipes from Newfoundland and Labrador. Year of Canada. Please pre-register with 902-368-3090 or Recipes and videos for the Chinese cooking should be online soon.

NEW -TENTATIVE – Rock painting – We are finalizing a time for a rock painting session – and tentatively are looking at the morning of Tuesday, Aug.16.

NEW - Selling, Buying or Downsizing – Coldwell Banker Parker Realty agent Jerry Coady will share information about real estate and answer questions on Tuesday, August 16 at 2:00 p.m. at the Milton Community Hall. Free for Miltonvale Park Seniors and by donation for others. Funded by the Government of Canada through the New Horizons for Seniors Program.

Sunday August 21 at 7:30 p.m. - ANNE ~ A Green Gables Memoir - Writer and performer Maja Bannerman and musician Rusty McCarthy bring their storytelling/conversational style performance as Anne Shirley Blythe, in her 60s, looking back on her life to the Milton Community Hall. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door.

The Milton Community Hall has Covid rapid tests (through the Red Cross Safe at Home Program) which can be picked up in the lobby at the hall (or we can run them out to your car if necessary!). We also have some KN95 masks and quite a few medical masks for folks who need them.

There was also a pair of glasses left at the 90th birthday party at the hall on the weekend – so if things look a bit blurry and you were in attendance, please check in with the hall.

The hall is still selling rhubarb – $3/lb. or $3.50/lb. if chopped. Best to order ahead so it can be picked fresh for you! 902-566-3154 or

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