Events - January 9, 2025
Published on Jan 9, 2025
Monday and Friday Active Aging Fitness with KK – 9 – 10 a.m. at the Milton Community Hall, $6 (Drop-in). Classes return on Friday, January 10. If schools are canceled or delayed due to weather, classes are canceled.
Wednesday Seniors Fitness Classes with Michele at 9 a.m. Fee $6. Drop in! Classes return on this Wednesday, January 15.
Coffee Club – Mondays and Fridays at 10 a.m. Drop in to the Milton Community Hall for coffee, tea, snacks and conversation. Admission by donation of coin or treats! Everyone welcome.
Mindfulness on the Mat - Yoga on the Mat with Leone –Tuesdays and Fridays 8:45 and Yoga on the Chair 10:15. Tuesday classes are hosted by Miltonvale Park and cost $10 for Miltonvale Park residents, $12 for others (Drop-in) on Tuesdays. Contact for information on pricing for Friday classes. Chair Yoga on Tuesdays will now be held on the main level when possible.
Square Dancing – Christine is going to continue to host Square dance sessions on Tuesdays, on the 2nd floor from 2-3 p.m., beginning on January 14. For more information, contact
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meet at the Hall on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. For more information contact Joyce at 902-368-2055.
Zumba with Natalia –Zumba fitness classes are weekly on Wednesdays from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. at the hall; $2 for residents, $5 for non-residents. Contact to sign up.
Sunday Night Movies – Most Sunday evenings at 6:30. Free for Miltonvale Park residents and by donation for others. – Free for Miltonvale Park residents and by donation for others. January 12 – A Man Called Otto, Jan. 19; Working Man, Jan. 26 – Man Up.
Fridays- Join Lily Forsythe from Healing Point for group acupuncture sessions for stress relief and relaxation on the 2nd floor of the Milton Community Hall on Fridays at 11:45 a.m. which began on Dec. 6. These group sessions have received funding from the PEI Seniors Secretariat. Spaces are limited and the sessions are free for Miltonvale Park residents aged 55+, and by donation for others, if space permits. To register, please email or call the hall at 902-566-3154.
Wednesday, January 15 is the deadline for the Milton Community Hall’s next 50-50 draw! Tickets can be bought at the hall or send an e-transfer to Tickets are $3 or 2/$5. License #16921. The winner on December 15 was Lorraine Garneau who won $58.
4-week Trobing Stretch & Strength with Reflexologist Sylvie Haché will take place from 11:15-12:15 on Thursdays from January 16. Class is full. Funded by PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being. The series is $10 for Miltonvale Park residents, $20 for others.
6-week FREE "BASICS LIFE SKILLS" information session, with Reflexologist Sylvie Haché where participants learn basic life skills to correct improper lifestyle habits (eg. How to walk, run, sit, and reverse the signs of aging). The sessions will begin on Thursday, January 16, with Basic Life Skills from 10-11 a.m., Funded by PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being. Contact to see if there is space available as seats are very limited!
Water Colour classes – Class is full. Thursdays in January – 5:30-8 p.m. With funding from PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being, Milton’s Most Valuable People Project is hosting watercolor painting with Hank Bos -Thursdays from 5:30 -8 p.m. on January 9, 16, 23, and 30, for those aged 15 and up.
Monday, January 13 – 7 p.m. North Milton WI meeting at the Milton Community Hall.
Wednesday, January 15, 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting for the Rural Municipality of Miltonvale Park. Open to the public, Please RSVP to or call 902-368-3090 if you are planning to attend.
Sunday, Movie Night 6:30 – Working Man -When a factory closure threatens a small Rust Belt town, one older factory worker continues going to his former job every day, despite the shutdown. His peculiar decision has a profound effect on the whole community, though his actions yield an outcome that no one ever expected. Free for Miltonvale Park residents, by donation for others.
Mondays, beginning on January 20 – 3-5 p.m. Games!! – Come play cards, crokinole, or board games -for fun! If you would like to learn to play Auction, this is your opportunity. Please RSVP to Free. Funded in part by the PEI Seniors’ Secretariat -all ages welcome.
Tuesday, Jan 21 at 1 p.m. Food Presentation – with home economist Margaret Prouse - Vegetarian/Lebanese. Miltonvale Park in the Movies. Please RSVP to or 902-368-3090. Free for Miltonvale Park residents age 55+, and by donation for others.
Wednesday, January 22 – Seniors Brunch for Miltonvale Park Seniors, age 55 + 11:30 a.m. Miltonvale Park in the Movies. Free for Miltonvale Park seniors – who have priority booking. Entertainment provided by local singer-songwriter John MacAllar (who is one of our regular Canada Day entertainers). The brunch is funded in part through the Miltonvale Park in the Movies program and the entertainment is funded through a grant to the Milton Community Hall from the PEI Seniors Secretariat. Pre-register at or 902-368-3090. Space is limited.
Sunday, January 26 -Movie Night – 6:30 - Man Up - A single woman takes the place of a stranger's blind date and finds the perfect man for her. Free for Miltonvale Park residents, and by donation for others. Miltonvale Park in the Movies.
Friday, January 31 (storm Date -Saturday, Feb 1) 6:00 p.m. Community Supper for Health Care Professionals and residents of Miltonvale Park – Connecting the Health Care Professionals to the Community! Rolls and meat provided – potluck supper and entertainment. Watch for more details, but please RSVP to
Monday, February 3 at 7 p.m. – Milton Community Hall, Inc. Annual Meeting – Come learn more about the activities of the Milton Community Hall. Annual reports, elections to the board (if you are interested in joining the board, contact or 902-566-3154 for more information.
Thursday, Feb 6 at 7 p.m. Miltonvale Park Planning Board Meeting, if required. RSVP to if you would like to attend.
Tuesday, February 11 at 1 p.m. – Food Presentation -Brunch Foods with home economist Margaret Prouse - Miltonvale Park in the Movies. Please RSVP to or 902-368-3090. Free for Miltonvale Park residents age 55+, and by donation for others.
Wednesday, February 12 - 7 p.m. Biscuit making Workshop with Joyce and Shari. Free for Miltonvale Park Seniors and by donation for others. Register at or 902-566-3154. Funded in part by the PEI Senior Secretariat. (Storm date Thurs. Feb. 13).
Monday, February 17 (6-8 p.m.) -Art for the Health of It -AND Tuesday, Feb 18 (7:30 p.m.), Monday, Feb 24 (6 p.m.) and Thursday February 27 (6 p.m.) -Storm Date – Monday March 3 at 6 p.m.
With local artist Gloria Wooldridge – Course: Creating an Intuitive Vision Board – Your Future is Now
Session 1 and 2 -An explanation of the project, with a short, informal presentation by artist Gloria Wooldridge, about the many benefits to developing a creative practice for stress reduction and overall wellness. Each participant will be guided to create their own intuitive vision board. Materials will be supplied. Participants can attend the next night to complete their board or if they have completed their boards, are welcome to attend and create something else. During this session, participants will have the opportunity to share their boards with other participants if they
Session 3 and 4 - Collaboratively work on a large piece of art combining elements from each participant’s vision board. This 36”x48” piece of art will be completed and will be on display at the Milton Community Hall.
embracing creativity is not just for those who are gifted artistically, but for everyone – and that it is good for you!
enjoy a few evenings doing something totally different
meet new people, develop new friendships, and make connections
work together to create a new piece of art that will be on public display
more joy, more colour, more art.
Space is limited. Priority registration for this free program will be for Health Care Professionals in Miltonvale Park and surrounding areas. Please register at or 902-368-3090. Funded by Programs for Retention of Health Care Professionals
Thursday, Feb. 20 6:30-8:30 - Wills, Estates, Power of Attorney and Health Care Decisions with Community Legal Information Association.
Wills & Estates:
o Writing / Updating Your Will: Wills and Estates, Rules, Competence / Incompetence, Beneficiaries and Dependents.
o Roles and Responsibilities: Witnesses, Guardians and Trustees, Executors, Administrators
o After Your Death: Paying Your Debts, Probate.
o Possible Concerns: Contesting a Will, Dying Without a Will.
Power of Attorney:
o Attorneys, Writing a POA, 3 Types of POA, Preventing Financial & Legal Abuse, Cancelling or Changing POA, Other considerations.
Health Care Decisions:
o Health Care Rights, Consent & Capacity, Creating a Health Care Directive, Storing Your Health Care Directive, The Proxy’s Role, Substitute Decision Makers.
Monday, February 24, 3 p.m. – Online Safety – focusing on Facebook, but discussing other platforms – with Linda Weeks. Register with or 902-368-3090.
Saturday, March 1 at 7 p.m. – Concert with CTW, featuring Margaret Arsenault, Michael Gallant and Tom Leclair. $2 for Miltonvale Park residents who also have priority booking and $5 for others. Storm date – March 8.
Tuesday, March 4 at 1 p.m. Food Presentation – Healthy Snack Foods with home economist Margaret Prouse. Miltonvale Park in the Movies. Please RSVP to or 902-368-3090. Free for Miltonvale Park residents age 55+, and by donation for others.
Thursday, March 13 – 2:30 p.m. -Garden Tea – More details to follow.
Sunday, March 30 – 1 p.m. -Pysanky Eggs with Linda Weeks More details to follow. Registration is not open yet.
Snow Angels - Be an angel and help someone in need. Be a role model. Be a good neighbour. We strongly believe that the social relationships intrinsic to volunteer work are critical to individual and community well-being. Would you be willing to help shovel decks, doorsteps and walkways for neighbours in need? Email with your location, whether you need a hand, or are able to shovel.
The hall and municipality are organizing other events that have been funded through several grants…
These include
o A workshop on using Canva a design program that makes posters, social media posts, invitations, flyers….
o Plus two other “Tech Talks” – Do you have anything you would like to learn?
o Session on taking better photos
o Sewing/craft lessons
o A Seniors evening of relaxation
o Health Fair (tentative Wed. March 26) (and foot care)
o Session on budgeting
o Seniors – Youth -Stories and Making a book
o Card-Making Session
o Seniors Navigator Session
o Frauds and Scams Lunch and Learn
o A “Racism -What Can I Do?” workshop
Please contact Shari if you have suggestions for presenters, specific activites, or would like to be involved in helping out!
The Miltonvale Community Park is closed for the winter. If you are there and you feel it needs attention, please contact the Council office at 902-368-3090 or if the office is not open, call or text 902-213-0597.
Child Bursary -If parents/caregivers have registered your children who live in Miltonvale Park for extracurricular sports/arts/cultural classes or lessons, they could be eligible for a $75 rebate per child per year (April 1 -March 31).
For Miltonvale Park residents, if money or transportation is a barrier to any of the Milton Community Hall MVP (Most Valuable People) events, please let us know and we will do what we can to ensure that everyone can participate. Email
Activities in the Milton Hall MVP project have received funding from the PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being, and are coordinated by Peggy Chen,
Sign up for regular (approx. weekly) emails from the municipality listing events and reminders by emailing
Do you have any favourite movies to suggest for Sunday nights that the hall is not booked, for the Movie Nights?
Activities in the Miltonvale Park in the Movies have been partly funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.