
Happy Labour Day Weekend -and events

Miltonvale Park & Milton Community Hall – Events – September 1, 2023

The Miltonvale Community Park is no longer staffed regularly. Thanks to Caroline, Ruth and John for a lovely summer of activities. The upper part of the garden was planted by the summer students, and when the bountiful crop of tomatoes ripen, and or any other vegetables ONLY in the section that has the black weed barrier, people can help themselves to them. The lower part of the garden has been planted by specific residents for their own use, so please only pick from the upper garden.

Tonight (Fri. Sept 1) at 7 p.m. at the Milton Community Hall is the last waltz class…. It is not too late to drop by and learn a few steps!

The weather looks great for the Learn about Cricket at the Miltonvale Community Park (413 Sleepy Hollow Road) on Saturday, September 2 at 6 p.m. Come check it out!  FREE. RSVP to

Coffee –Visit neighbors each Monday and Friday from 10 -11a.m. at the Milton Hall. Coffee, tea, and snacks are available by donation of coin or treats. There will NOT be coffee on Labour day Monday!

Labour Day Monday – There will be a session at 7 p.m. on Labour Day Monday about preparing your home for hurricanes and winter weather with realtor Natasha McKenna as part of the Milton MVPs program. Free for Miltonvale Park residents. By donations for others.Register here:

This series of classes for The Resourceful Homeowner will take place on Mondays (usually at the hall, unless there are conflicts) and other topics will be

Class three: How to decorate a room/house.

Class four and five (hands on)  How to fix drywall and how to paint. 

Class six: Guest speaker Peter McKenna - Basic plumbing and electrical

Class seven: Yard work and flower gardens

Class eight: Simple home updates, changing door knobs, caulking, spray foam, wallpaper, tiling. 

Class nine: Cleaning, what and when. 

Class ten: Guest speaker- Peter McKenna -Answering questions 


Yoga with Leone – Tuesdays 8:30 a.m. Building Blocks of Yoga (mat) & 10:00 a.m. Chair Yoga. $6 Miltonvale Park residents and $7 for others.

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meet at the Hall on Tuesdays at 6:15. For more information contact Joyce at 902-368-2055.

Card Parties – The hall hosts card parties (Auction) on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. throughout the month of September. Admission   $4.

Drum Circle -Join Elder Thirley Levi and the members of their Tuesday Drum Circle at the Milton Community Hall to learn more about Mi'kmaq culture on Tuesday, September 5 at 6:30 p.m. Please R.S.V.P by 10 a.m. on Sept. 5 to 902-566-3154 or Space is limited. Free. Funding for this event has been provided by the Province of PEI, through an Anti-Racism Microgrant.

Weekly Wednesday Zumba Classes at 5:30 on through September are full.

Lunch and Learn with Dutch Thompson, Thursday, September 7 at 12 noon. Pre-register by Tuesday, September 5 to 902-368-3090 or Dutch will share stories about his family’s immigration from Scotland in the 19th century.  Free for Miltonvale Park residents 55+. By donations for others. PEI -Through the Years

First rehearsals for the Milton Community Players presentation of "Some Neighbours - Yesterday Once More" will take place on Friday, Sept. 8 and Monday, Sept 11 from 7-9pm at Milton Community Hall. There are still some small parts available for actors and more stage hands are needed. If interested drop in on either Monday or Friday evening or send an email to  The play is scheduled for November 2, 3 and 4, 2023 (Thurs-Sat) and rehearsals will take place in September and October.


Line Dancing begins again on Monday, September 11 from 1:30-2:30 and classes are full.

The North Milton WI will meet on Monday, Sept. 11 at 7:00 p.m. Local women are invited to drop in and see if the Women’s Institute is an organization that would interest you!

Friday, September 15, at 1 p.m. Foods of PEI with Home Economist Margaret Prouse. Food demonstration and tasting of Acadian Foods. Free for Miltonvale Park residents 55+. By donations for others PEI-Through the Years.

September 15 is the deadline to buy tickets for the next 50-50 twice-monthly draw. You can buy tickets at the hall-or send an e-transfer to $3 each or 2/$5. The winner of the August 31 draw was Jamie Taylor who won $97.50 -and then donated $100 to the hall! Thanks Jamie!

Seniors Fitness Classes with Michele Gallant -begin on Monday, September 18 at 9 a.m. and take place on Mondays and Fridays. They focus on balance and flexibility and are lots of fun! Cost $6. If you are interested, please email

Wednesday, Sept. 20 is the next regular Council meeting on the upper floor of the Milton Hall at 7 p.m. Please RSVP at  The Council Office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 4. We are in the process of arranging a special council meeting for either Wednesday or Thursday evening (Sept. 6 or 7) to review tenders for the Hall renovation project. The date and time will be announced when finalized.

Lunch and LearnThursday, September 21 at 12 noon. Immigrating from China – Join Peggy Chen as she shares her story about coming to PEI. RSVP to or 902-368-3090. Free for Miltonvale Park residents 55+. By donations for others. PEI Through the Years.

Tuesday, September 26 at 1 p.m. – Air Fryer Cooking with home economist Margaret Prouse– Milton Hall Seasonal Seniors. Free for Miltonvale Park residents 55+. By donations for others. RSVP to or 902-566-3154.

PLEASE NOTE: For Miltonvale Park residents, if money or transportation is a barrier to any of the Milton Community Hall MVP (Most Valuable People) events, please let us know and we will do what we can to ensure that everyone can participate. Email

Do you have children??  The Milton Hall MVPs project is looking for information to use to plan more children and youth programming. Please share your thoughts in this survey


Residents are expected to be responsible for their individual households for the first 72 hours of an emergency.

Please visit the Government of Canada’s Get Prepared website to learn more about being prepared for any type of emergency.

Information is also available on potential weather events and preparation on PEI.  The Province also has a Storm Response webpage.

The Milton Community Hall is a warming center for residents of Miltonvale Park, and has a generator, so will be made available during an emergency to allow residents to access heat, water, washroom facilities, electricity to charge devices, and if necessary, food.  There are outdoor faucets approximately mid-way on the long sides of the building which can be used 24/7.

Information during an emergency will be shared through social media (primarily Facebook or Twitter), and emails to the residents and neighbours who have subscribed for updates and events from the municipality. When time permits, the municipal and hall websites will be updated.

Contact the Milton Hall (902-566-3154) or Council Office (902-368-3090) by phone or email if necessary ( or


Sign up for regular (approx. weekly) emails from the municipality listing events and reminders by emailing

Activities in the Milton Hall MVP project have received funding from the PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being, and are coordinated by Peggy Chen,

 Activities in the PEI-Through the Years project are funded through the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.

Activities in the Miltonvale Park Seniors Matters and the Milton Hall Seasonal Seniors project are funded through the PEI Seniors’ Secretariat.


Thanks to the summer students whose terms are finishing up – Tanner, Caroline, Josh and Ruth at the park, Shelby and Jenna at the hall and Elijah with the Association of Rural Community Halls.  They were lovely folks to have around this summer. You may still see some of them around for a bit.

Have a great Labour Day Weekend!

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