Lots of Christmas and New Year Events!
Published on Dec 2, 2014
Miltonvale Park and Milton Community Hall Events Dec. 2014
Bruce Rainnie and Kendra MacGillivray are headlining the final “2014 Minutes of Story and Song” show on Friday, December 5th at 7:30. Reserve your tickets by calling the Council office 902-368-3090. Admission is $10 and includes a light lunch.
The North Milton WI is has its annual Christmas Party at Miriam Hooper’s on Monday, December 8th at 7:30. Everyone is welcome to attend. You can bring 2 dozen cookies (or sweets) for a cookie exchange, a 4 inch Christmas stocking for the trays at the hospital on Christmas morning, and a gifts, like gloves or slippers or personal care products, for the White Cross Gift program, if you would like, but it is not necessary.
“Christmas in Milton - Hearts & Flowers, and Treats to Devour” will be happening at the Milton Community Hall on Tuesday, December 9th beginning at 7:00 p.m. Alan Preston, from Hearts and Flowers will partner with Margaret Prouse, through go!pei and the Central Region Sport and Recreation Council to get us ready for the Christmas 2014 season. Admission is free for Miltonvale Park residents aged 50+, and by donation for all others. Reserve your seat at 902 368-3090 or or Facebook.
Sunday, December 14, The Open Bible Baptist Church will present a Christmas Cantata at the Milton Community Hall beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, December 16th, the Council is hosting a seniors’ noontime lunch, beginning at 12 noon and informal Christmas party at the hall– games, music, visiting. Residents and friends 50 + are invited to attend, but are asked to reserve a spot, by contacting the Council office. Some of our senior activities are funded through the PEI Senior’s Secretariat. Another event we are planning is addressing seniors’ financial literacy – at 1:00 on Wednesday, January 21, on Scams & Frauds, Tips and Safeguards and Planning for the Future (also planning to have a noon seniors’ lunch that day too!)
Plans are underway for a youth Christmas Ceilidh with singers, dancers and fiddlers on the afternoon of Sunday, December 21 at the Milton Community Hall. Watch for details.
If you are looking for a nice gift idea for the local people on your Christmas list, the hall will be selling gift certificates for its events, which would make a lovely Christmas gift idea for folks!
The community is holding another Christmas Decorating Contest this year. Categories include Mini Homes, Traditional, "Martha Stewart", "Inside Out" (indoor displays that are visible from the road) and "Christmas Overload." To register, contact the Council office by phone or email by December 10. Judging for the cash prizes will take place Dec. 14-20.
The Council Office will be closed for the holidays from Dec 22-Jan 5. Please have Green Initiative and Child Bursary rebate forms submitted by December 15.
The Fitness for the 50+ classes continue on Mondays and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. though will be “on vacation” after Dec 19 and will be back January 5. Coffee Club follows exercise at 10 a.m. and everyone is welcome to drop in.
Learn to Quilt – Nanne Garnham and Alida Callaghan are planning to teach a small class of students how to quilt on Monday mornings beginning at 10:30 a.m., Monday, January 12, 2015 at the hall. If you are interested, call the Council Office (902) 368-3090.