
Milton Community Hall and Miltonvale Park – March 1, 2025

Monday and Friday Active Aging Fitness with KK – Classes are cancelled until further notice  -9 – 10 a.m. Milton Community Hall, $6 (Drop-in). If the Bluefield family of schools are canceled or delayed due to weather, classes are canceled. Miltonvale Park

Wednesday Seniors Fitness Classes with Michele at 9 a.m. Fee $6. Drop in! If Bluefield family of schools are canceled or delayed due to weather, classes are canceled -or may move online. Miltonvale Park

Coffee Club – Mondays and Fridays at 10 a.m. Drop in to the Milton Community Hall for coffee, tea, snacks and conversation. Admission by donation of coin or treats! Everyone welcome.

Mindfulness on the Mat - Yoga on the Mat with Leone –Tuesdays and Fridays 8:45 and Yoga on the Chair 10:15. Tuesday classes are hosted by Miltonvale Park and cost $10 for Miltonvale Park residents, $12 for others (Drop-in) on Tuesdays. Contact for information on Friday classes, which re $13 drop-in fee or is also priced for a series of classes. Chair Yoga on Tuesdays will now be held on the main level when possible.

Square Dancing – Christine hosts square dance sessions on Tuesdays, on the 2nd floor from 3-4 p.m. For more information, contact

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meet at the Hall on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. For more information contact Joyce at 902-368-2055.

Zumba with Natalia –Zumba fitness classes are weekly on Wednesdays from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. at the hall; $2 for residents, $5 for non-residents. Contact to sign up.

Sunday Night Movies – Most Sunday evenings at 6:30. Free for Miltonvale Park residents and by donation for others. Free for Miltonvale Park residents and by donation for others. March 2 -The King’s Speech, March 8 – Grumpy Old Men
TONIGHT!!! Saturday, March 1 at 7 p.m. – Concert with CTW, featuring Margaret Arsenault, Michael Gallant and Tom Leclair. Country music, rock 'n' roll and the blues. RSVP at $2 for Miltonvale Park residents, and $5 for others. Refreshments included. Storm date – March 8.

LAST ONE! Monday, March 3 – 3-5 p.m. Games!! – Come play cards, crokinole, crib, sjoelbak, or board games -for fun for the next few weeks. If you would like to learn to play Auction, this is your opportunity. Please RSVP to Free. Funded in part by the PEI Seniors’ Secretariat -all ages welcome. Last one in the series!!

Sunday, March 2 – 6:30 -Movie Night – The King’s Speech.  Free for Miltonvale Park residents. By donation for others. Britain's Prince Albert must ascend the throne as King George VI, but he has a speech impediment. Knowing that the country needs her husband to be able to communicate effectively, Elizabeth hires Lionel Logue, an Australian actor and speech therapist, to help him overcome his stammer. An extraordinary friendship develops between the two men, as Logue uses unconventional means to teach the monarch how to speak with confidence. Colin Firth as King George VI; Geoffrey Rush as Lionel Logue and Helena Bonham Carter as Queen Elizabeth (2010). Winner of 4 Oscars.

Tuesday, March 4 at 1 p.m. Food Presentation – Healthy Snack Foods with home economist Margaret Prouse. Miltonvale Park in the Movies. Please RSVP to or 902-368-3090. Free for Miltonvale Park residents age 55+, and by donation for others.

Thursday March 6 - 10:00 a.m. Seniors – Financial Issues and Housing - Living at home, moving to community care home or to a nursing home – what are the financial issues? Blair Corkum CPA, R.F.P., CFP, CFDS-AA, will answer your questions and give you direction on financial issues, and answer your questions such as: What costs should you consider? Is there government help? Are there tax deductions? Can you lose your home? Should you sell or transfer my home, or other assets such as my cottage and investments? Are there tax costs? How can you plan and prepare? Bring your questions. RSVP to or 902-368-3090.

Thurs, March 6, Planning Board – Tentative – 7 p.m. Please RSVP at This meeting may be delayed until after the public meeting on the subdivision application in the PURD zone on March 18.

Decluttering and Organizing– Thursdays 6-7 p.m. March 6 – April 24. Eight sessions with Venassa from Serene Home Planning – Free for Miltonvale Park Residents, by donation for others if space permits. Register with Peggy – or 902-566-3154. Funded in part by the PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being.
March 6 – Decluttering Basics
March 13 – Decluttering by Room
March 20 -Decluttering Deep Dive
March 27 -Organizing Basics
April 3 – Room-by Room Organizing and Zoning
April 10 – Improving and Maintaining Organization
April 17 – Organizing Deep Drive
April 24 – Odds & Ends + Questions

GREAT INFORMATION!! Friday March 7 at 11 a.m. –Come meet Jenna Arbing, one of PEI Seniors Navigators at the Milton Community Hall. Join us first for the regular Friday morning coffee time at 10 a.m. The seniors navigators are a fantastic resource for seniors and can help people navigate through programs they might be eligible for, can direct concerns to the proper place, and can even help fill out forms. There will be a 45-minute presentation, followed by time for questions. Come learn if there are provincial programs that can help you! Please RSVP to or 902-368-3090. FREE. Funded in part by the Government of Canada through the New Horizons for Seniors Program

Learn to Play the Spoons – Friday afternoons, starting March 7. Brendon Peters, the PEI Spoon Guy, who has been in the music field for over 45 years will teach his Acadian culture through the lost art of musical spoons at Milton Community Hall in March." The course runs for five Fridays for 75 minutes starting from March 7 at 2 p.m. with the rest of the classes at 1 p.m. $5 for Miltonvale Park residents and $15 for others, if space is available. Space is very limited, so book today by emailing Peggy at Funded by PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being.

Sunday, March 9 – Movie Night 6:30 – Grumpy Old Men  -A lifelong feud between two neighbors since childhood only gets worse when a new female neighbor moves across the street. Starts Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau and Ann-Margret.

NEW - Monday, March 10 – The North Milton WI is having a guest speaker on Midwifery, at approximately 7:50 p.m. at the Milton Community Hall. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to or call the hall at 902-566-3154, so we can let you know if the planned speaker has to cancel to deliver a baby!!

Thursday, March 13 – 2:30 p.m. -Garden Tea – Free for Miltonvale Park residents aged 55+. By donation for others, if space remains. Please RSVP to, by noon, Tuesday, March 11. Learn about the Community Garden!

Saturday, March 15 is the deadline for the Milton Community Hall’s next 50-50 draw! Tickets can be bought at the hall or send an e-transfer to Tickets are $3 or 2/$5. License #16921.

NEW DATE – Tuesday. March 18 at 7:30 p.m. – Storm date Tues. March 25 – Public meeting for residents and landowners in Miltonvale Park to discuss a subdivision application for 33 lots in the former Community Pasture PID 283226, at 371 Sleepy Hollow Road. This property is in the PURD - PLANNED UNIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ZONE  
1. No Building or part thereof and no Lot shall be used for purposes other than:
a) Single Unit Dwelling
b) Mini-home
c) Duplex Dwelling
d) Semi-Detached Dwelling
e) Multi-Unit Residential Dwelling up to six (6) units
f) Accessory Apartment
g) Tourist Establishment
h) Accessory Building
For more information on this zone, see page 40 in the Development Bylaw. More information will be posted online closer to the meeting date, although the tentative plans and location are there now.

Wednesday, March 19 -Miltonvale Park Council Meeting -7 p.m. RSVP to

NEW - Wednesday, March 26, 7 p.m. – Canva Workshop – Canva is a computer program (Free version and there is a paid version)  to make presentations, cards, posters, social media posts and more. Come learn how to use it. Bring a laptop or table if you can! Free for Miltonvale Park residents, by donation for others. RSVP to

Sunday, March 30 – 1 p.m. - Pysanky Eggs with Linda Weeks. Pysanky is an ancient Eastern European art of egg decoration in which a stylus is used to write in wax on an eggshell. Layer by layer, this creates stunning and unique magic! The workshop with instructor Linda Weeks is from 1:00-3:30 p.m. Funded by PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being, it's $10 for Miltonvale Park residents, $15 for others, if the seats are available. There are just a few spaces left! Register by email to or call 902-566-3154.

NEW  -Toastmasters- Speech Craft Program - Tuesdays, from April 7 – June 3 from 7-8:30 p.m. First and last class at Milton Community Hall. Others will be online.  Since 1924, Toastmasters has been synonymous with presentation excellence and leadership skills! You don't have to be a member to benefit from it today! Become the best communicator you can be with a combination of digital/live workshops and earn your Toastmasters International certificate over nine 90-minute structured sessions valued at over $200! With volunteer coaching from Toastmasters International members and funding from PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being, the cost is $25 for Miltonvale Park residents and $50 for others, if space is available. Contact Peggy at Suitable for ages 18 years and older.
Learn more about the TM Speechcraft program-

Vision Boards – Do it again??? The Intuitive Vision Board project with artist Gloria Wooldridge was finished quicker than expected -so if interest warrants – we may do it again in a two part series (before the end of March – one possible date is Wed. March 12 in the evening). The folks who completed the project REALLY enjoyed it! It is especially directed to health care workers and Miltonvale Park. It is FREE and funded by the Government of Prince Edward Island, through a Health Care Retention Grant. If you might be interested – please email or call 902-368-3090. I will get photos from the recent sessions on the Facebook page soon!

Wills, Estates, Power of Attorney and Health Care Decisions with Community Legal Information was full of lots of valuable information. If you missed, it, plain language information is available online from with a video of the presentation on Wills, available to watch on the Wills page.

Budget Information - Miltonvale Park presented its draft budget to the public in advance of its approval scheduled for Wednesday, March 19. It may be tweaked slightly if more accurate numbers become available before that time, but Council does not expect any major changes. The tax rates are intended to remain at 16.6 cents/$100 assessment for non-commercial properties and 82.6 cents/$100 assessment for commercial properties.  The meeting also shared highlights of 2024-25, with some plans noted for 2025-26. Learn more online.

Thanks to all who contributed to February’s  “Taking Care of Women’s Business. Period. 28-day campaign.” The North Milton WI has two large garbage bags of product to be donated to the food bank!

Snow Angels - Be an angel and help someone in need. Be a role model. Be a good neighbour. We strongly believe that the social relationships intrinsic to volunteer work are critical to individual and community well-being. Would you be willing to help shovel decks, doorsteps and walkways for neighbours in need? Email with your location, whether you need a hand, or are able to shovel.

Snowshoes – The municipality has five pairs of adult snowshoes available for loan. They are located at the Milton Community Hall. Contact or 902-368-3090. Call for availability as most of the snowshoes are currently out on loan.

The Miltonvale Community Park is closed for the winter. If you are there and you feel it needs attention, please contact the Council office at 902-368-3090 or if the office is not open, call or text 902-213-0597.

 Child Bursary -If parents/caregivers have registered your children who live in Miltonvale Park for extracurricular sports/arts/cultural classes or lessons, they could be eligible for a $75 rebate per child per year (April 1 -March 31).

 Rebates for low flow toilets, HE Washers and low flow showerheads are offered by Miltonvale Park. Information is online:

For Miltonvale Park residents, if money or transportation is a barrier to any of the Milton Community Hall MVP (Most Valuable People) events, please let us know and we will do what we can to ensure that everyone can participate. Email

 Activities in the Milton Hall MVP project have received funding from the PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being, and are coordinated by Peggy Chen,

 Sign up for regular (approx. weekly) emails from the municipality listing events and reminders by emailing


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