Sing-Song Ping-Pong March 25 7:30
Published on Mar 3, 2017
Sing-Song Ping-Pong at the Milton Community Hall - Saturday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m. Admission $10. created and performed by Pamela Campbell and Nancy Beck with piano recordings by Audrey Gillis and presented by Young at Heart Musical Theatre. In Sing-Song Ping-Pong a bad cell phone connection leads to a one-of-a-kind comic competition. Veteran performers Pamela Campbell and Nancy Beck face off, singing all their favourite songs while challenging each other's athletic abilities. As they vie for supremacy in baseball, basketball, and fencing, Campbell and Beck keep their eyes on the real prize – leading the audience in a good old-fashioned sing-along. "Side by Side", "Pack up Your Troubles", "Sentimental Journey", and "Danny Boy" are just a few of the many popular standards the dueling duo hit out of the park in Sing-Song Ping-Pong. Score one for fun and great music! Tickets can be reserved at 902-566-3154 or