Upcoming Events - One big list!
Published on Jan 18, 2014
Miltonvale Park Happenings - Winter 2014 at the Milton Community Hall
Mondays and Fridays at 9:00-10:00 a.m.– Fitness for the 50+ Folks. Drop in for exercise classes to improve balance and flexibility with certified instructor Angelie Carter. Cost $3 each or $5/week. *Classes are cancelled if school is cancelled or delayed due to the weather. Classes subsidized by Miltonvale Park Community Council.
Monday Night Exercise -Angelie is available on Monday nights and is willing to provide a one hour exercise class at 7:00 p.m. – all ages, men and women, Cardio-strength traiining - bring a mat for cool down exercises, if you have one. Classes begin Feb 3. If you are interested – call the council office (368-3090) or email or just drop by!
Mondays and Fridays at 10:00 –“Coffee Club” – Drop in to share some coffee, treats and visit with neighbours. Admission by donation of coin or snacks! Everyone welcome.
Friday, February 21 -6:00 p.m. 1864 Supper – hosted by the North Milton WI – Join the WI as they celebrate WI Month and the 1864 Charlottetown Conference, with a supper reminiscent of 1864 (tentative menu – beef stew, biscuits, baked apples, gingersnaps). Learn what North Milton was like in 1864, see some historic costumes of the time and try your hand at a parlour game. Admission by donation –and please let us know by Wednesday Feb 19th, if you are coming, so we can set your place. Residents and friends of North Milton are most welcome. If you’d like to assist with period food, please let us know – 566-3154 or
Thursday, February 27 – 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to the monthly Miltonvale Park Community Council Meeting.
Friday, March 7, 7:30 p.m. “2014 Minutes of Story and Song” featuring Miltonvale Park’s Patrick Ledwell, along with Mark Haines, as they entertain with stories and songs to celebrate the PEI way of life. Admission is $10 and includes a light lunch. If you’d like to reserve your ticket, call 368-3090 or email
More 2014 Minutes of Story and Song will be held throughout the year on the first Friday of each month, plus July 18 and August 22.
Wednesday, March 12- Ham and Scalloped Potatoes Supper
Monday, March 24 (Storm date –Tues, March 25) –Annual Meeting for the Community of Miltonvale Park- 7:30 p.m. Hear reports from 2013, vote on the expenses outlined in the budget for 2014. Pass along any concerns or suggestions you may have for the Community. Reports will be available at least a week before the meeting from the office or
Later in 2014...
Tuesday, April 8 7:30 p.m. -North Milton WI Annual Auction
Friday, April 11 - 7:30 p.m. Dr. Magnificant's Travelling Medicine Show - Young at Heart Musical Theatre
Saturday, April 12 - 7:30 - Jeremy Straker and Jenni MacDonald- Concert
Thursday, April 24 -Bean Supper
Thursday, May 29 -Rhubarb Social
Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., June -September - Card Parties
Saturday, August 23 – Milton Community Hall Draw Down Lottery
Thursday, October 2 -Apple Social
Monday, November 3 – Municipal Election - Miltonvale Park Community Council
Christmas Craft Fair –Saturday, November 29
Christmas House Tour – Saturday, December 13
The Cornwall and Area Watershed Group has expanded to serve the North River watershed that includes Miltonvale Park…. BUT there is no representation from our area on their board. They meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. They are also looking for a secretary and president. If you are interested in becoming involved as they work in the area, or have a concern about the wellfield we will be hosting, contact them at or attend their monthly meeting Tuesday, February 11th, at 7:00pm - Cornwall Town Hall boardroom.
Like to Read? We recently received a donation of many novels –pop by the hall to borrow them. Books include many by Nora Roberts and lots of thrillers….
Christmas Decorating Contest 2013
Congratulations to winners of the 2013 Miltonvale Park Holiday Decorating Contest:
1st - MacArthurs - 4 Old Rte 2 Road
2nd - Parkers - 1096 Rustico Rd
3rd - Ling/Coles - 597 Rustico Road
Honourable Mention - Beatons - 23 Heather Drive
Thanks to all who entered!
Computers - The New Horizons for Seniors Program has provided three laptops for the use of Seniors (aged 50+) in the community. We are in the process of furnishing the "Seniors Room" upstairs - but if you like to use them -please drop in -or call first to make sure I am here!