Q: How do I book my event?
A: The Milton Community Hall requires a booking deposit of $25 to reserve your event date and agreed upon services. $100 for wedding receptions..
Q: What happens to my deposit if I need to cancel?
A: If you cancel at least 4 months before your event date AND we are able to re-book for that date, then we will refund your deposit. Otherwise, your deposit is non-refundable and is used to offset the loss of revenue.
Q: How are the tables and chairs arranged for my event?
A: Generally the renter is responsible for set up and tear down.
Q: What kind of tables and chairs are available?
A: The hall has 22 - 6 foot tables, three 8-ft and 15 sturdy card tables There are also five wooden eight foot tables. There are 155 upholstered (brown) chairs.
Q: What time does the event have to end?
A: Generally events should finish no later than 12:30 a.m. The bar usually closes by midnight and provincial liquor regulations require the premises be vacated within thirty minutes of the bar closing.
Q: Our group is a charity trying to raise money. Will Milton Community Hall give us a cut rate on the rent?
A: The Hall is also a non-profit organization; however, it will reduce or waive the rent on community benefits.
Q: What is the hall's capacity?
A: The fire marshall has set capacity at 112 on the main level and 60 upstairs or 150 in the entire building at once.
Q: Can I bring in our own wine for the tables?
A: No, the hall has Special Premise License for the hall, and must follow the Provincial legislation.
Q: Can I make a special request to add to the bar selection?
A: Yes, if you require a special type of liquor, please ask. We do require it to be purchasable through the PEI Liquor Control Commission. If the purchase is more costly, we will decide that together.
Q: What do I get when I rent the kitchen?
A: We've posted pictures on our Facebook page of what we offer when you rent the kitchen. Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.844701732279988.1073741837.380730012010498&type=3